Current Projects

Current projects happening at the Yachana Foundation and Lodge

Black Soldier Fly with efficient self-harvesting brick bin inside chicken run

Raise Black Soldier Flies and Larvae as Chicken Feed. Getting Started Insect Farming.

Written with William. Raising Black Soldier Flies on a homestead has quickly become a favorite way to raise quality high-protein feed for chickens. As an extra added bonus, they quickly turn organic waste into usable compost. At the Yachana, our goal is to raise 80% of our own food- for our family and for the Lodge, […]

Raise Black Soldier Flies and Larvae as Chicken Feed. Getting Started Insect Farming. Read More »

The Yachana, A Place for Learning

“Together for the Amazon”- How a we came together to build a new classroom in the Amazon

The main purpose and mantra of the Yachana is “A Place of Learning”. Based on that goal, many projects have been funded, supported and come to pass. This week a big project of a new “chosa” or outdoor, open air classroom, was finished and the opening ceremony was held.  Construction of a new “classroom” The

“Together for the Amazon”- How a we came together to build a new classroom in the Amazon Read More »